Guest Dosing Information
Every Treatment Centers of America location gladly accepts patients needing to guest dose. Visiting patients will find a beautiful facility and will receive the best customer service available.
Each patient’s home clinic will need to schedule guest dosing via phone and fax prior to arrival at your local Treatment Centers of America location.
Each patient’s home clinic must fax signed copy of guest dosing request form including the signature of the Medical Doctor or verbal order from the Medical Doctor.
Home clinics must provide the following patient identifying information:
- Full name
- Social security number
- Driver’s license/ID card state and number
- Date of birth
- Dose level/Medical status
- Phase level and dosing schedule
- Other, as requested
- The initial (one time) guest dosing admission fee is $25.00 plus daily dosing fee. Each day thereafter is charged as a daily dosing fee.
Patients returning to our clinic for guest dosing will only be responsible for the daily fee.
If you should have any questions or concerns in regards to guest dosing please do not hesitate to contact the location near you.